Indumation Network Event 2023 |
Indumation Network Event 2023 |
Industrial Automation Network Event (INE) |
Thursday, March 2, 2023 - Thursday, March 2, 2023
Venue: Brabanthal Leuven,
Belgium |
INE is the VIP network event on automation, optimization, innovation and digitization. During this high-end network event of just one afternoon and evening, 135 technology partners welcome more than 1500 strategic decision makers on a major techno-innovation tour. The honors are observed by the management of the technology partners themselves. They are open to enriching and exploratory discussions with decision-makers who are faced with a number of decisive choices regarding innovation and automation. The management of these technology companies therefore takes the time to brainstorm with the management of industrial companies about the challenges, benchmarks, opportunities and costs that an innovation or automation project entails.
Website: https://ine.networkevent.be/en/