MiNES 2023 |
Materials in Nuclear Energy Systems (MiNES) |
Sunday, December 10, 2023 - Thursday, December 14, 2023
Venue: New Orleans Marriott,
New Orleans LA,
United States |
Join us in person in beautiful New Orleans for the third installment of Materials in Nuclear Energy Systems, MiNES, to focus on research in the fission reactor materials community. The MiNES conference series grew out of two biannual symposia: Microstructure Processes in Irradiated Materials (MPIM), held at the TMS Annual Meeting & Exhibition, and Nuclear Fuel and Structural Materials (NFSM), held at the ANS Annual Meeting. The conference takes place biannually, with TMS and ANS alternating sponsorship.
Website: https://www.ans.org/meetings/mines2023/
Future Dates: | | MiNES 2025 | 12/7/2025 - 12/11/2025 | Cleveland OH, United States | MiNES 2027 | | TBD, United States | |
Previous Dates: | | MiNES 2021 | 11/8/2021 - 11/12/2021 | Pittsburgh PA, United States | MiNES 2019 | 10/6/2019 - 10/10/2019 | Baltimore MD, United States | |