IEEE IMS 2030 |
1934 days left
IEEE MTT-S International Microwave Symposium (IMS) |
Sunday, June 2, 2030 - Friday, June 7, 2030
Venue: San Francisco CA,
San Francisco CA,
United States |
The IEEE International Microwave Symposium (IMS) is the world s foremost conference covering the UHF, RF, wireless, microwave, millimeter-wave, terahertz, and optical frequencies; encompassing everything from basic technologies to components to systems including the latest RFIC, MIC, MEMS and filter technologies, advances in CAD, modeling, EM simulation and more. The IMS includes technical and interactive sessions, exhibits, student competitions, panels, workshops, tutorials, and networking events.
Website: https://ims-ieee.org/
Future Dates: | | IEEE IMS 2031 | 6/1/2031 - 6/6/2031 | Boston MA, United States | |
Previous Dates: | | IEEE IMS 2029 | 6/10/2029 - 6/15/2029 | Washington DC, United States | IEEE IMS 2028 | 6/21/2028 - 6/26/2028 | Phoenix AZ, United States | IEEE IMS 2027 | 6/6/2027 - 6/11/2027 | Dallas TX, United States | IEEE IMS 2026 | 6/7/2026 - 6/12/2026 | Boston MA, United States | IEEE IMS 2025 | 6/15/2025 - 6/20/2025 | San Francisco CA, United States | IEEE IMS 2024 | 6/16/2024 - 6/21/2024 | Washington DC, United States | IEEE IMS 2023 | 6/11/2023 - 6/16/2023 | San Diego CA, United States | IEEE IMS 2022 | 6/19/2022 - 6/24/2022 | Denver CO, United States | IEEE IMS 2021 | 6/7/2021 - 6/10/2021 | Atlanta GA, United States | IEEE IMS 2019 | 6/2/2019 - 6/7/2019 | Boston MA, United States | |