NGAUS 2026 |
567 days left
148th National Guard Association of the United States General Conference & Exhibition |
Friday, August 28, 2026 - Monday, August 31, 2026
Venue: Indianapolis,
Indianapolis IN,
United States |
The NGAUS General Conference is the Association's annual business meeting. Army and Air National Guard officers from all 50 states, three territories and the District of Columbia gather to network, set their legislative agenda and hear from America's civilian and military leaders. Family members, industry representatives and local officials also attend.
Website: https://www.ngaus.org/
Future Dates: | | NGAUS 2027 | 8/27/2027 - 8/30/2027 | Salt Lake City UT, United States | NGAUS 2028 | 8/25/2028 - 8/28/2028 | San Juan, Puerto Rico | NGAUS 2029 | | TBD, United States | |
Previous Dates: | | NGAUS 2025 | 8/22/2025 - 8/25/2025 | Milwaukee WI, United States | NGAUS 2024 | 8/23/2024 - 8/26/2024 | Detroit MI, United States | NGAUS 2023 | 8/18/2023 - 8/21/2023 | Reno NV, United States | NGAUS 2022 | 8/26/2022 - 8/29/2022 | Columbus OH, United States | NGAUS 2021 | 8/27/2021 - 8/30/2021 | Las Vegas NV, United States | NGAUS 2019 | 8/30/2019 - 9/2/2019 | Denver CO, United States | NGAUS 2018 | 8/24/2018 - 8/27/2018 | New Orleans LA, United States | NGAUS 2017 | 9/7/2017 - 9/10/2017 | Louisville KY, United States | NGAUS 2016 | 9/9/2016 - 9/12/2016 | Baltimore MD, United States | NGAUS 2015 | 9/10/2015 - 9/13/2015 | Nashville TN, United States | |