EXPOBOR 2026 |
501 days left
International Rubber Technology Show |
Tuesday, June 23, 2026 - Thursday, June 25, 2026
Venue: Expo Center Norte,
Sao Paulo,
Brazil |
EXPOBOR is South America's biggest meeting of the industry and an important generator of business opportunities.
The event gathers companies of equipment, machines, inputs and products and services destined to the rubber industry. Technology, laboratory research, compound analysis, recycling, and raw material areas have gained greater spaces year after year, meeting the visitors' demands. EXPOBOR is directed at professionals and entrepreneurs of the automotive, rubber articles, footwear, electronics, tires, oil, steel, machines and components industries, among others. The technical program, through the Brazilian Congress of Rubber Technology, further demonstrates the importance of this market. The prestige of EXPOBOR as an important space for professional retraining and business generation has attracted more and more exhibitors and visitors from several countries.
Website: http://www.expobor.com.br/