Mercopar 2025 |
240 days left
34th Edition of Leading innovation and business fair in Latin America |
Tuesday, October 14, 2025 - Friday, October 17, 2025
Venue: Centro de Feiras e Eventos Festa da Uva,
Caxias do Sul,
Brazil |
Mercopar is the largest innovation and business fair in Latin America, a space for building relationships, disseminating knowledge about industry trends, and stimulating economic activity. For over 30 years, the fair has been on a mission to bring together national and international companies, connecting small, medium, and large organizations.
The fair aims to generate business, open new markets, and showcase trends and technologies for industry innovation. Since 2019, the fair has been held in partnership with FIERGS - the Federation of Industries of the State of Rio Grande do Sul, which has expanded opportunities and integration among participants, exhibitors, and partners. Furthermore, the event has shifted its focus to the theme of industrial innovation.
Website: https://mercopar.com.br/